How to get by in Georgia with 101 words only?

Think about all the times you wanted to take a taxi, order food or ask for directions while being in Georgia. You knew there was a good chance that you would not be understood in English. As a result, you may have started to feel shy, isolated and avoided talking to locals as much as possible. This lack of understanding may have forced you to visit only modern places where the Georgians who work there understand English.

If you carry on like this, you will miss out on experiencing the real Georgia. You will never feel their culture, their friendship.

Perhaps you’d even decided at some point in the past to learn Georgian, but after learning a few letters, you gave up.

I totally understand you. Georgian is not related to any major language family, like Indo-European. Therefore, it seems very exotic for foreigners and it is hard to learn.

But fear no more! After 5 years of trial and error, I have created a mini-course just for you. It has everything I wished I'd had when I got started. It consists of 5 audio lessons, each around 30 minutes long. No reading or writing needed. We are going to learn this beautiful language with just listening and repeating.

Not sure if you can learn a new language with just your ears? Well, you learned your mother tongue like that, and it worked out great!

So why not?

During these 5 lessons, you are NOT going to learn a million words and then hundreds of grammar rules. You are going to learn only 101 words, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN THEM VERY WELL.

I mean, you are going to know these words so well, that you are going to start to use them immediately, without even thinking about them!

Fair enough?

And since there is still a chance that you still don't believe me, I am going to give you all these lessons FOR FREE!

Yes, all for free. I just want you to sign up below, and I will send them to you, right away:

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But, why am I giving this to you for free?


Some of the things that you are going to learn in this mini-course…

Maybe these situations don’t cover everything you'll need, but the words that you are going to learn are so essential that you'll be using them in many other situations, as well.

So sign up below, and start speaking Georgian right away!

Sign up now and get 5 audio lessons, for free

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Have fun
